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Coming Soon: Trauma Release (TRE)

Trauma Release (TRE)

Start Date TBD (likely in summer)

In 2021, I was guided in meditation to “shake the trauma” out. A theme had been emerging in my client sessions; I was consistently guided to help people see and accept and heal their trauma. So, this topic was of no surprise to me.

A few months later, I then received the message that I would help people release trauma in a spirit-guided way and this was a surprise as I had NO idea what that meant at the time or how I would offer help to people for somatic healing.

Since then, I have been guided on a journey through understanding both the spiritual and scientific ways in which shaking/tremoring can help us release trauma. While I first received the info from intuition, I quickly found out that shaking has been an established therapeutic practice for trauma healing and release.

Through a series of synchronous events, I landed in a TRE workshop. All of the messages I had been receiving about shaking came together. I knew immediately that I was meant to teach TRE.

I am currently finalizing my training and will incorporate it into 1:1 sessions and group workshops. I envision both straight TRE (sticking straight with trauma release) and sessions in which together we access Spirit and the “other side” to help with the release and healing of trauma, incorporating TRE. I plan on offering these sessions starting in the summer of 2024.

While I don’t have anything formal to offer now, I am excited about this and the sharing of it feels right.

If you would like to learn more, please email me so that we can connect.